Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dealing with the Competition

-- January 25, 2011

A story deep inside the paper caught my eye. "Despite Distinctions, Los Angeles Times Loses Standing at Home." It addresses some puzzlement about the rapid decline of the LA Times. It's essentially a man-on-the-street story. One  woman says she wants more movie business gossip. One man says he read much more of the paper 35 years ago. "We don't even have a football team," he laments. A third says, "I know they have a lot of really good writers and they win lots of awards, but I thought it just wasn’t enough." On the other hand, one guy said he still liked the paper and cited a specific story. So what have we learned? What's really strange is that this rather long story never mentioned that the LA Times changed hands several times in the last few years and its current owner is in bankruptcy.

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